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Building applications and solutions with Microsoft 365 core services

  • 17 mars 2021

Module 1: Implement Microsoft Identity Description In this module, you will learn to implement Microsoft identity including registering an application, implanting authentication, configuring permissions to consume an API, and creating a service to access Microsoft Graph Lessons Microsoft Identity platform Register an Application Implement Authentication Configure Permissions to consume an API Implement Authorization to consume […]

Microsoft Azure Administrator (Version Française)

  • 21 décembre 2020

Module 1: Identité Description Dans ce module, vous découvrirez comment sécuriser les identités avec Azure Active Directory et mettre en œuvre des utilisateurs et des groupes. Leçons Azure Active Directory Utilisateurs et Groupes Laboratoire: Gérer les Identités d’Azure Active Directory. Après avoir terminé ce module, les étudiants seront capables de: Sécuriser et gérer les identités […]

Microsoft Azure Administrator (English version)

  • 21 décembre 2020

Module 1: Identity In this module, you will learn how to secure identities with Azure Active Directory, and implement users and groups. Lessons Azure Active Directory Users and Groups Lab : Manage Azure Active Directory Identities After completing this module, students will be able to: Secure and manage identities with Azure Active Directory. Implement and […]

Migrate SQL workloads to Azure

  • 18 décembre 2019

Module 1: Introducing Data Platform Modernization Description In this module, the students will learn the purpose of Data Platform Modernization and they will outline the benefits that data platform modernization can bring to an organization The students will then learn the various stages of a data platform migration projects to understand what is involve in […]

Migrate NoSQL workloads to Azure Cosmos DB

  • 18 décembre 2019

Module 1: Building Globally Distributed Applications with Cosmos DB Description This module describes the benefits and architecture of Cosmos DB Lessons Cosmos DB overview Cosmos DB APIs Provisioning Throughput Partitioning/Sharding Best Practices At the end of this module, the students will be able to describe: Cosmos DB overview Cosmos DB APIs Provisioning Throughput Partitioning/Sharding Best […]

Migrate Open Source Data Workloads to Azure

  • 18 décembre 2019

Module 1: Migrate to Azure SQL DB for MySQL & PostgreSQL Description This module describes the benefits and architecture of Azure SQL DB Lessons OSS databases overview Common OSS database workloads Customer challenges in migration Lab Creating source OSS databases Installation of Postgres migration DB server Installation of MySQL migration DB server Backups / data […]