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Accueil » Testers

Automating web tests with Katalon

  • 16 décembre 2022

Introduction of Katalon Studio About Katalon Installation of Katalon Studio First steps with Katalon Recorder First Step Identification of elements Maintenance of a test script Store values with Katalon Recorder Check with Katalon Recorder Logical actions with Katalon Recorder Data driven execution Katalon Recorder in an asynchronous environment Export with Katalon Recorder  First steps with […]

Performance Testing with Neoload

  • 16 mars 2022

1. Presentation of the performance tests and Neoload The importance of application performance General principles of performance testing The different types of tests: scalability, stress,endurance, degraded Presentation of the NeoLoad architecture Virtual User Profiles: record, make dynamic,validate/bug 2. Designing a scenario Record a user path Design a good scenario 3.Monitor the infrastructure Define the architecture […]

Test engineering in DevOPS

  • 16 mars 2022

1. Reminder about DevOps 2. DevOps Testing 3. Test culture and organization in DevOps mode How to build a DevOps Testing culture Culture test and organization in DevOps mode 4. DevOps Test Engineering – Strategies Definition of the test strategy Reminders about test fundamentals DevOps Risk Management The documentation of the DevOps test strategy 5. […]

Testing in an Agile environment

  • 16 mars 2022

1. Life Cycle and Agile Projects Why are Agile methods adopted? Scrum and XP reminder User Stories 2. The test in Agile development Differences with the traditional approach Presentation of the Agile Quadrant The expression of quality criteria in Agile Assess quality risks and estimate test effort Role and skills of a tester Continuous improvement […]

Mobile Test Automation with Appium

  • 16 mars 2022

1. Introduction to Mobile Automation Testing Test Automation on Mobile Benefits and limits of the automation of mobile tests 2. Introduction to Appium Advantages and limits of Appium How does Appium work? 3. Appium in practice – the conception and following of scripts Global overview of customer and Appium server Configuration with Eclipse and Katalon […]